Monday 12 November 2012


Virginity. Sex. Why is it all such a big deal to people? Why is it such a hush-hush topic amongst so many people? Why in the world is it called "popping the cherry"? That sounds like it would be something nice, something tasty! Like squeezing a cocktail cherry in your mouth until it pops and lets out its sweet juice. That is definitely not what it's like though. Oh no no.

Why is it considered to be a good dead to take someone's virginity? I remember the night when mine was taken, I wouldn't call it a good dead at all. Nope, I would call it a dirty dead as were the sheets. Why do guys get so excited when they get to sleep with a virgin? Ok, so she'll probably remember you for a while or maybe even forever but believe me it won't be in her bank of best memories. And what is with those people who decide not to have sex before marriage? Where is the sense in that? I mean that could be you left orgasm-less for life! You could be missing so so so many more fish in the sea, some fish bigger than others.

Sex and all the other kinky stuff people like to do should be out in the open. Why should we be hiding behind closed doors and talking about the most boring everyday things when we could just be getting straight to the point? Some like it rough, some like it soft, some like it from the back, from the front, sideways. It's all good, I ain't judging. Just love and be loved, that's what everyone ultimately seeks anyway.

"Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best." - Woody Allen

Friday 10 August 2012

The city with the pink elephant

The sun does not shine on Brussels. In fact, it is pretty much the same here as it is in Scotland but slightly less miserable and a bit more classy. I began my time by exploring the area of Ixelles around Flagey and heading to the Justice Palace. I had a lot of detours on my route through little alleys and walking into small antique shops filled with aromas of sandal wood, smoke and candle wax. The Belgian people are all very lovely and extremely friendly,like my host, Harold who actually drew a handmade map for me this morning so that it'll be slightly easier for me to go exploring.

My feet are now killing me and I couldn't be a happier cookie. I love getting lost in the little nooks and crannies of this graffitied city and letting my feet take me wherever they wish. Like now, I'm sitting next to a beautiful fountain in some tiny little square that I never would have found if I was looking for it. Expect the unexpected! Adventure is out there!

As my day slowly begins to end and the sun begins to set, it makes those beautiful sunny reflections on the tops of all the buildings making this city look even more magnificent than before. People begin to gather for evening drinks at the terraces of the numerous pubs and the streets begin to thrive. Some people sit with their friends, complaining about work, others, like me, sit alone and happily watch the life around them, and then there is a third kind, the ones that decide to have a special evening with their loved one. It's all very classy as most people decide to dress up a little for each other or even just for themself.

The ambience here is fantastic because the people here lead a simple yet quite effective life. They enjoy life and everything seems to run smoothly. There is no need for rushing and running around, which makes life that much more relaxed. I am trying to figure out why the Belgians differ so much from their French neighbours. After all they have a very similar culture in many ways and share the same language but the Belgians are way more easy going. Basically, they know how to pace their life. Maybe they are not afraid of ageing? It seems that way anyway, I say this looking at an elderly couple kissing in their car. Or maybe they love their life and are not afraid to show it?

Brussels is also much more multi-cultural than most people would think, and I'm not just talking about the expats who work for the E.U. Parliament. Very many different ethnic groups can be seen strolling along the streets of Brussels which is also reflected in the variety of shops and restaurants. The other thing that is great here, which I just had to test, of course, is the beer. It was fantastic! The beer in itself fits with the personality of the city and its people- it's smooth!

We must not only give what we have; we must also give what we are. - Desire-Joseph Mercier

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Hitchhiking always places my beliefs in people in a very high place! I love the fact that people who have no idea who you are, where you're from, where you've been decide to extend their hand in friendship and kindness and offer you help to your destination. Occasionally you even get some crazy strangers who decide to offer you a place to rest your head for the night and a hearty breakfast in the morning. Some do even more on top of that, they spend the entire day with you, showing you around their city. All the nooks and crannies that you would never have found on your own. These acts of kindness make me faith in humanity. They make me see the bright side of life and let me wear those pink sunglasses for a while. For me that is one of the most beautiful things that can possibly happen because it wakes up all my senses and puts me in this joyful optimistic bubble. Of course I don't end up staying in this euphoric state forever but it's so magical while it lasts. It allows me to forget about the worlds' horrors of the past and future and makes me focus on the beauty of the now. So if you ever see a hitchhiker on the road, give them the benefit of the doubt and pick them up. You won't regret it. 

I hitchhiked, took trucks 'n' trains--anything that would pick me up.
– John Lee Hooker

Thursday 7 June 2012

drip drip drip

rain is the predominant type of weather here in Scotland. it follows you around wherever you go, even if the day starts off being extremely bright and inviting. these little raindrops make the Scots who they are; the weather is part of their culture. the saying that you can experience all four seasons in one day when living in Scotland is not just one of those silly stereotypes, it's actually very true. you can get sunshine, snow, hail, and rain all in the spain of a few hours. maybe that is what makes the Scots so passive aggressive. when it is nice and sunny outside you hear them moaning about how hot it is and that they need to go to the pub to have a seat and cool down. similar behaviour is to be seen and expected when the weather is the average Scottish dull grey and/or rainy, people say that the weather is shite and they need a drink therefor ultimately end up going to the pub. some strong oaky whiskey or a nice pint of ale seems to be the answer for everything here. this combination makes the people here who they are, for better or for worse. hell, i've had some of the most fascinating conversations at the pub and met some of the best, weirdest and craziest people. some of these have become really good friends of mine and for that i am very grateful. the Scots have learned to become very neutral and adjust to their surroundings by always replying 'not much' to the question 'what have you been up to?' and 'not bad' to 'how are you doing?' these answers are neither here nor there. they are used in order to avoid further conversation or questioning from the other party, or even worse, emotions like shock, amazement or surprise. these people live on peacefully, well, most of the time, in their own little bubble of an island. they keep the balance knowing that it is the only way they can keep on going for a very long time. i love Scotland and its people! 

"I would hate to die with a heart attack and have a good liver, kidneys and brains. When I die, I want everything to be knackered." - Hamish Imlach 

Saturday 2 June 2012

you come with the dust and are gone with the wind

so as human beings we are born alone and die alone. however, what we do during this mysteriously fascinating period called life is what is truly significant. some of us do some great things. things we and people around us should be proud of. some of us do horrible things because we have no better way of spending our time and energy. each to their own i guess. most people do things they don't really understand. it is very difficult to fully understand anyone, even yourself, actually, impossible, i would say.  we spend all this time with ourself, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and yet when you think about it, you hardly know anything. yes, we are able to have a developed taste in certain things, we can predict some of our actions, we have needs. however, many of the things that happen to us are out of our own control. the people we meet and places we go shape us, change our courses of action, make us become who we are today. i have been, for the most part, very fortunate with the people i have encountered in my life. these people have helped me grow and develop, they have explored with me, laughed with me, cried with me, hugged me, loved me. i cannot thank them enough. it's always sad when these people have to leave and stop being a constant part of your life anymore or when you leave yourself. but hey, it's not goodbye, nor is it farewell, it's just a see you later. when people you really truly care about go, you feel like a part of you is missing. as one very wise girl said, you feel like a pie without the filling! it feels like you have lost your apples and cinnamon. maybe we can meet in each others dreams though. dreams are great. we can have conversations, hug, skip, fly, frolic in the fields, eat ice cream, drink whiskey, sing songs, hitch hike.

Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them. - Bob Dylan

Friday 25 May 2012

cloak of invisibility

sometimes i feel invisible. sometimes i feel so absent it makes me shake. like i'm not really there or here or wherever. like maybe i shouldn't be here and there is no point to any of this, this mysterious thing called life. it's a feeling of being completely alone and absent from everything and everyone. the kind of feeling you get when you are on a bad trip or something. but then i decide to look around myself. figure out what is important, what really matters to me, if anything does, that is. i still haven't come to a conclusion, i don't think anyone really can know the answer. one can only keep guessing. but i think once you look out your window and see all the different colours, smells, sounds and textures we have around us, you won't feel the need to keep on searching. or at least your search will come to a halt for a while because nature is overwhelming, life is exhilarating. everything around us has beauty in it, whether it is blatantly obvious or you need to search a little to find it. the people around us are beautiful too. everyone has their good side and bad side and i think that's a great thing, it keeps everything balanced. sometimes its hard to see the good in certain things or people and we decide to put a label on them but if we don't explore we will never be able to truly understand what and who they are.

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. - Albert Camus

Tuesday 15 May 2012

sunshine in a bag

do you ever get that feeling, when you are just walking on the street and find yourself smiling for no reason, when things just feel good, just feel right? when you just want to spin around and sing by yourself in the middle of the street looking like a complete lunatic? well i had one of those moments today! and you know what? there is nothing better than standing under a blossom tree with the wind in your hair on a beautiful starry night singing dylan songs and dancing. just feels like there is not a care in the world. nothing i need to worry about. nothing to stop me, kind of like that queen song! it's a very precious feeling which i can't even properly describe and maybe that's what is so great about it too. it's mysterious. it's unknown yet it's out there and feels like it may just last. or at least i hope so. it's exciting...

Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. - Ernest Hemingway