Saturday 2 June 2012

you come with the dust and are gone with the wind

so as human beings we are born alone and die alone. however, what we do during this mysteriously fascinating period called life is what is truly significant. some of us do some great things. things we and people around us should be proud of. some of us do horrible things because we have no better way of spending our time and energy. each to their own i guess. most people do things they don't really understand. it is very difficult to fully understand anyone, even yourself, actually, impossible, i would say.  we spend all this time with ourself, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and yet when you think about it, you hardly know anything. yes, we are able to have a developed taste in certain things, we can predict some of our actions, we have needs. however, many of the things that happen to us are out of our own control. the people we meet and places we go shape us, change our courses of action, make us become who we are today. i have been, for the most part, very fortunate with the people i have encountered in my life. these people have helped me grow and develop, they have explored with me, laughed with me, cried with me, hugged me, loved me. i cannot thank them enough. it's always sad when these people have to leave and stop being a constant part of your life anymore or when you leave yourself. but hey, it's not goodbye, nor is it farewell, it's just a see you later. when people you really truly care about go, you feel like a part of you is missing. as one very wise girl said, you feel like a pie without the filling! it feels like you have lost your apples and cinnamon. maybe we can meet in each others dreams though. dreams are great. we can have conversations, hug, skip, fly, frolic in the fields, eat ice cream, drink whiskey, sing songs, hitch hike.

Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them. - Bob Dylan

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